Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung: Decolonial Dialogues 02. Towards a New Relational Ethic between Africa and Europe

To this day, colonialism – as a system of injustice and its consequences – continues to shape the relationship between Africa and Europe. Dealing with this colonial legacy is a multi-layered, often contradictory, and above all open process. Unfortunately, it is still in its infancy in terms of receiving a broad public and political reception in Germany. Against the background of a centuries-old entangled history between the two continents, systemic decolonisation can only succeed as a joint effort.

The Heinrich Böll Foundation’s Decolonial Dialogues are entering the next round. In four digital conversations, central aspects of a postcolonial relational ethic between Africa and Europe will be discussed.

After the introductory session on the content and direction of decolonisation, it will be about cooperation after the restitution of colonial looted property.

The third discussion asks about fair conditions for reciprocal mobility between the continents. The last dialogue of the series deals with African and European attitudes towards the human-nature relationship.

Curatorial Team: Dr. Philmon Ghirmai (Landesvorsitzender Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Berlin), Dr. Mahret Ifeoma Kupka (Kunstwissenschaftlerin, freie Autorin, Kuratorin), Dr. Thomas Fues (Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Politologe), Kirsten Krampe (Leiterin Referat Afrika der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung). Moderated by Aisha Camara.

More Information and the whole program.