Decolonial Dialogues: Decolonisation in Europe and Africa: How does it work?

The discussion is part of the Decolonial Dialoge series of the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation focussed on goals and steps for the transformation of colonially shaped structures both in the formerly colonised societies and in the former colonial powers. Where are there agreements, where are there differences in European and African debates, depending on location and topic? What practical steps can we take together in transcontinental solidarity? And finally: How do we deal productively with differences and generate social support for our cause?

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Prof. Mame-Penda Ba, Gaston Berger University, Saint-Louis / Senegal
Hamado Dipama, Umbrella organisation of the integration advisory boards in Bavaria / Germany
Dr. Philmon Ghirmai, State Chair Alliance 90 / The Greens Berlin
Dr. Mahret Ifeoma Kupka, art scholar / curator, Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt a. M.
Nicholas Calvin Mwakatobe, filmmaker & photographer (e.g. „Vinyago“), Dar es Salaam / Tanzania

Moderation: Aisha Camara

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